
h-index : 23
(Google Scholar)
Updated on July 2024

30 Journals (EN)
96 Conferences (EN)
38 Conferences (FR)
1 Phd Thesis (FR)
1 Book Section (EN)

Top 10 ranking papers: [43] [117] [127] [75] [52] [40] [131] [151] [115] [02]

Tibault Reveyrand's papers on IEEE Xplore Tibault Reveyrand's papers on Google Scholar Tibault Reveyrand's papers on Mendeley Tibault Reveyrand's papers on Scopus

IMPORTANT NOTE: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyrights and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without explicit permission of the copyright holder.


Download the paper J. Ortali, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, E. Ngoya, C. Mazière
«Modélisation comportementale d’amplificateurs de forte puissance à partir d’une approche temporelle.»
23eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, Juin 2024
(JNM2024 "Circuits and systems" Best Paper Award)
Download the paper L. Giosa, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, E. Ngoya, A. Delias
«Simulation de linéariseur par prédistorsion numérique basé sur le modèle de Volterra dynamique à deux voies.»
23eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, Juin 2024
Download the paper J. A. Silva dos Santos, T. Reveyrand, F. Gaillard, P. Medrel, J.-M. Nébus, M. Prigent, J.-C. Nallatamby, C. Chang
«Une nouvelle méthode d'étalonnage rapide pour un banc de mesure de la linéarité basé sur des NVNAs.»
23eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, Juin 2024


Download the paper J. A. Silva dos Santos, T. Reveyrand, F. Gaillard, P. Medrel, J.-M. Nébus, M. Prigent, J.-C. Nallatamby, C. Chang
«A novel fast calibration method for NVNAs based linearity setup.»
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC 2023), Aveiro, Portugal, November 2023.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC57329.2023.10321796


Download the paper A. Courty, P. Medrel, T. Reveyrand, P. Bouysse, J.-M. Nébus, G. Sourbercaze-Pun
«Analysis of load mismatch effect compensation in Doherty power amplifier.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 13, issue 3, April 2021, pp. 211-222.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078720000860
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, P. Medrel, J.-M. Nébus, Z. Popović
«Calibrated Multiport Large-Signal Measurement Setups for Outphasing, Doherty and Load Modulated Balanced Power Amplifiers.»
IMS 2021 Workshop, WMB, Atlanta, GA, June 2021.
Video presentation available here


Download the paper T. Reveyrand, S. Hernández, S. Mons, E. Ngoya
«SOLT and SOLR calibration methods using a single multiport "thru" standard connection.»
95th ARFTG Symposium, IMS 2020, Los Angeles, CA, August 2020.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ARFTG47271.2020.9241365
Presentation slides available here
Video presentation available here


Download the paper H. Hamoud, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, E. Ngoya
«Prédistorsion numérique d’amplificateur de puissance pour les nouvelles générations de systèmes de télécommunications.»
21eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), Caen, Mai 2019.
Download the paper A. Courty, T. Reveyrand, P. Medrel, P. Bouysse, J.-M. Nébus, G. Soubercaze-Pun, L. Lapierre
«Méthodologie de conception d’un amplificateur Doherty GaN double entrée avec gestion numérique de la combinaison vectorielle de puissance.»
21eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), Caen, Mai 2019.
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, A. Courty, M. Portelance, P. Medrel, P. Bouysse, J.-M. Nébus
«Méthode d’étalonnage automatique pour générateurs de signaux vectoriels en configuration multiport.»
21eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), Caen, Mai 2019.
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, A. Courty, M. Portelance, P. Medrel, P. Bouysse, J.-M. Nébus
«Automatic vector signal generator calibration method suitable for multiport large-signal measurements.»
93rd ARFTG Symposium, IMS 2019, Boston, MA, June 2019.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ARFTG.2019.8739201
Presentation slides available here
Video presentation available here
Download the paper S. Mons, T. Reveyrand
«Guest Editorial»
(Mini-Special Issue on the 2018 International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits)
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 67, No 7, pp.2463-2464, July 2019.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2019.2918859
Download the paper A. Courty, T. Reveyrand, P. Medrel, P. Bouysse, J.-M. Nébus, G. Soubercaze-Pun, L. Lapierre
«An Experimental Study for the Design of Dual Input Load Modulated Wideband GaN Amplifier.»
Proceedings of the 49th European Microwave Conference, EuMW 2019, Paris, France, October 2019.
Crossref DOI: 10.23919/EuMC.2019.8910881
Download the paper E. Ngoya, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, C. Menudier, M. Thévenot, J. Lintignat, A. Beaumont
«Advanced CAD tools for an efficient Antenna / Module co-design.»
EuMW 2019 Workshop, WM, Paris, France, October 2019.


Download the paper V. Gillet, J.-P. Teyssier, T. Reveyrand, S. Laurent, M. Prigent, R. Quéré
«A fully calibrated NVNA set-up for linearity characterization of RF power devices using Unequally Spaced Multi-Tone signal through IM3 & IM5 measurements.»
91st ARFTG Symposium, IMS 2018, Philadelphia, PA, June 2018.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ARFTG.2018.8423834
Download the paper H. Hamoud, T. Reveyrand, D. Gappilout, S. Mons, E. Ngoya
«Evaluation of a DPD approach for multi standard applications.»
25th International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT 2018), Saint-Malo, June 2018, pp.466-470.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ICT.2018.8464877
Download the paper H. Hamoud, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, E. Ngoya
«A Comparative Overview of Digital Predistortion Behavioral Modeling for Multi-standards Applications.»
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC 2018), Brive-la-gaillarde, France, July 2018.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2018.8430010
Download the paper T. Reveyrand
«Unknown Thru Calibration Algorithm.»
NVNA Users' forum, INMMIC 2018, Brive-la-Gaillarde, France, July 2018.
Download the paper W. Khelifi, T. Reveyrand, J. Lintignat, B. Jarry, R. Quéré, D. Langrez, L. Lapierre,
V. Armengaud

«Non-linear Characterization and Modeling of 3-port Transistor.»
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC 2018), Brive-la-gaillarde, France, July 2018.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2018.8429999
Download the paper
T. Reveyrand
«Multiport conversions between S, Z, Y, h, ABCD, and T parameters.»
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC 2018), Brive-la-gaillarde, France, July 2018.
WARNING: The IEEE Xplore version has a typo error in equation (27). The version available here is correct.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2018.8430023
Poster available here
Download the paper W. Khelifi, T. Reveyrand, J. Lintignat, B. Jarry, R. Quéré, L. Lapierre,
V. Armengaud

«Distributed modeling of 4-port transistor for linear mmW design application.»
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Kyoto, Japan, , pp.360-362, November 2018.
Crossref DOI: 10.23919/APMC.2018.8617543


Download the paper P. Medrel, J. Sombrin, J.-M. Nébus, Ph. Bouysse, T. Reveyrand, R. Quéré
«VSA-based measurements for power amplifier linearity assessment.»
Microwave & RF 2017, Conference "Le futur des Amplificateurs de puissance: flexibilité , linéarité , 5G et Internet des Objets", Paris, March 2017.
Download the paper W. Khelifi, T. Reveyrand, J. Lintignat, B. Jarry, R. Quéré, L. Lapierre, V. Armengaud,
D. Langrez

«Extension de la méthode de de-embedding "Pad-Open-Short" à des dispositifs 3-ports et des standards d'étalonnage non idéaux.»
20eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), Saint-Malo, Mai 2017.
Download the paper A. Dasgupta, A. Disserand, T. Reveyrand, P. Medrel, Ph. Bouysse, J.-M. Nébus
«Conception d'un modulateur de puissance large-bande à deux étages en technologie GaN.»
20eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), Saint-Malo, Mai 2017.
Presentation slides are available here
Download the paper W. Khelifi, T. Reveyrand, J. Lintignat, B. Jarry, R. Quéré, L. Lapierre, V. Armengaud,
D. Langrez

«Pad-Open-Short De-embedding Method Extended for 3-Port Devices and Non-Ideal Standards.»
89th ARFTG Symposium, IMS 2017, Honolulu, HI, June 2017.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ARFTG.2017.8000844


Download the paper Z. Popović, T. Reveyrand
«High-Efficiency PAs for High PAR Signals Using an NI-Based Platform.»
IMS 2016 Workshop, WME, San Francisco, CA, May 2016.
Download the paper Z. Popović, I. Ramos, T. Reveyrand, M. Litchfield
«Microwave Transistor Power Rectifiers and Applications.»
IEEE Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium (CSICS), Austin, TX, October 2016.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/CSICS.2016.7751055


Download the paper Z. Popović, T. Reveyrand
«High-Efficiency PAs for High PAR Signals Using an NI-Based Platform.»
Technical Session, NIWeek 2015, August 5, 2015, Austin, TX.
Download the paper M. Litchfield, T. Reveyrand, Z. Popović
«Load Modulation Measurements of X-Band Outphasing Power Amplifiers.»
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 63, No 12, pp.4119-4129, December 2015.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2015.2495127


Download the paper P. Medrel, A. Martin, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, Ph. Bouysse, J.-M. Nébus, L. Lapierre and J.-F. Villemazet
«A 10-W S-band class-B GaN amplifier with a dynamic gate bias circuit for linearity enhancement.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 6, issue 1, February 2014, pp. 03-11.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078713000962
Download the paper Z. Popović, T. Reveyrand, S. Schafer, M. Litchfield, I. Ramos, S. Korhummel
«Efficient Transmitters and Receivers for High-Power Wireless Powering Systems.»
IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), T-Th2-4, Jeju, Korea, May 2014, pp. 32-35.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/WPT.2014.6839621
Download the paper
M. Litchfield, S. Schafer, T. Reveyrand, Z. Popović
«High-Efficiency X-Band MMIC GaN Power Amplifiers Operating as Rectifiers.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2014, TH1C-3, Tampa, FL, June 2014.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2014.6848394
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, S. Schafer, J. Boudreaux, T. Inoue, Z. Popović
«Large Signal Network Analyzer: An affordable PXI-based microwave non-linear characterization platform.»
NIWeek Conference, Innovate Faster Workshop, Austin, TX, August 2014.
Download the paper A. Benvegnu, S. Laurent, T. Reveyrand, R. Quéré, J.-L. Roux, J.-L.Muraro and D. Barataud
«Time-Domain Waveform Measurements under Large Signal RF Overdrive Stress in HEMT Technology.»
ESA MOD Workshop on Wideband Gap Semiconductors and Components, Frascati, Italy, September 2014.
Poster available here
Download the paper D. Sardin, T. Reveyrand, Z. Popović
«X-band 10W MMIC High-Gain Power Amplifier with over 60% PAE.»
Proceedings of the 44th European Microwave Conference, EuMW 2014, Roma, Italy, October 2014.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986691
Download the paper M. Litchfield, T. Reveyrand, Z. Popović
«X-Band Outphasing Power Amplifier with Internal Load Modulation Measurements.»
Proceedings of the 44th European Microwave Conference, EuMW 2014, Roma, Italy, October 2014.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986714
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, T. Inoue, Z. Popović
«Large Signal Network Analyzer: Past and future of the LSNA.»
NVNA Users' forum, 84th ARFTG Conference, Boulder, CO, December 2014.
Download the paper Z. Popović, T. Reveyrand, D. Sardin, M. Litchfield, S. Schafer, A. Zai
«Design and measurements of high-efficiency PAs for high PAR signals.»
84th ARFTG Conference Workshop, Boulder, CO, December 2014.


Download the paper P. Medrel, T. Reveyrand, A. Martin, P. Bouysse, J.-M. Nébus, J.Sombrin
«Time domain envelope characterization of power amplifiers for linear and high efficiency design solutions.»
IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Orlando, FL, April 2013.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/WAMICON.2013.6572774
Presentation slides are available here
Download the paper R. Quéré, T. Reveyrand, P. Bouysse, P. Nakala, A. Martin, O. Jardel, J.-M. Nébus, E. Bergeault, M. Campovecchio
«Impact des effets de pièges sur la dynamique grand signal des transistors à effet de champ sur Nitrure de Gallium.»
18eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), DA1-3, Paris, Mai 2013.
Download the paper H. Jang, A. Zai, T. Reveyrand, P. Roblin, Z. Popović, D. E. Root
«X-Parameter Applications for Characterizing and Modeling Power Amplifiers for Envelope Tracking Applications.»
IMS 2013 Workshop, WSO, Seattle, WA, June 2013.
Download the paper Z. Popović, S. Schafer, D. Sardin, T. Reveyrand
«Characterization of Transistor Drain Supply Terminal Impedance at Signal Envelope Frequencies.»
IMS 2013 Workshop, WMC, Seattle, WA, June 2013.
Download the paper H. Jang, A. Zai, T. Reveyrand, P. Roblin, Z. Popović, D. E. Root
«Simulation and Measurement-based X-parameter Models for Power Amplifiers with Envelope Tracking.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2013, TU3F-1, Seattle, WA, June 2013.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2013.6697628
Download the paper O. Jardel, S. Laurent, T. Reveyrand, R. Quéré, P. Nakkala, A. Martin, S. Piotrowicz, M. Campovecchio, S. L. Delage
«Modeling of Trap Induced Dispersion of Large Signal Dynamic Characteristics of GaN HEMTs.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2013, TU3F-6, Seattle, WA, June 2013.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2013.6697576
Download the paper K. El-Akhdar, S. Ahmed, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, J.-M. Nébus
«High Resolution Wideband Calibration Procedure for RF Time-Domain Measurement of Non-linear Devices.»
81st ARFTG Symposium, IMS 2013, Seattle, WA, June 2013.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ARFTG.2013.6579022
Video presentation available here
Download the paper A. Déchansiaud, R. Sommet, T. Reveyrand, D. Bouw, C. Chang, M. Camiade, F. Deborgies, R. Quéré
«Design, modeling and characterization of MMIC integrated cascode cell for compact Ku-band power amplifiers.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 5, issue 3, June 2013, pp. 261-269.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078713000482
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, M. Stanislawiak, P. Eudeline, D. Floriot
«Wideband harmonically matched packaged GaN HEMTs with high PAE performances at S-band frequencies.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 5, issue 4, August 2013, pp. 437-445.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078713000032
Download the paper
L. Huitema, T. Reveyrand, J.-L. Mattei, E. Arnaud, C. Decroze and T. Monedière
«Frequency Tunable Antenna Using a Magneto-Dielectric Material for DVB-H Application.»
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, volume 61, No 9, September 2013, pp. 4456-4466.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2013.2269474
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torrès, S. Mons, T. Monédière, T. Reveyrand, M. Thévenot, E. Ngoya, R. Quéré
«Electromagnetic and Nonlinear Modeling for active phased antenna.»
IEEE Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS'2013), Saida, Lebanon, September 2013.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MMS.2013.6663090


Download the paper S. Ahmed, M. Saad El Dine, G. Neveux, T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud and J.M. Nebus
«4-Channel, time-domain measurement system using track and hold amplifier for the characterization and linearization of high-power amplifiers.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 4, issue 1, February 2012, pp. 71-79.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078711000973
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torrès, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, E. Ngoya, M. Thévenot, T. Monédière, R. Quéré
«Joint Electromagnetic-Circuit Modeling for Active Antenna Array Synthesis.»
Advanced Electromagnetic Symposium, AES 2012, 401, Paris, France, April 2012.
Download the paper R. Quéré, R. Sommet, P. Bouysse, T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, J.-P. Teyssier, J.-M. Nébus
«Low Frequency Parasitic Effects in RF Transistors and their Impact on Power Amplifier Performances»
IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Cocoa Beach, FL, April 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/WAMICON.2012.6208471
Presentation slides are available here
Download the paper T. Reveyrand
«RF Time-Domain Measurements for Power Amplifier Design.»
Invited Talk, IEEE MTT/AP Denver Chapter Meeting, Boulder, CO, May 2012.
Download the paper O. Jardel, G. Callet, D. Lancereau, J.C. Jacquet, T. Reveyrand, N. Sarazin, R. Aubry, S. Léger, E. Chartier, M. Oualli, C. Dua, S. Piotrowicz, E. Morvan, M.A. Di Forte Poisson, S.L. Delage
«First Demonstration of AlInN/GaN HEMTs Amplifiers at K band.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2012, WEPG-13, Montreal, Canada, June 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2012.6259551
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, Z. Popović
«A new method to measure pulsed RF time domain waveforms with a sub-sampling system.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2012, TH2A-2, Montreal, Canada, June 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2012.6259438
Presentation slides are available here
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, M. Stanislawiak, P. Eudeline, D. Floriot
«Wideband 50W Packaged GaN HEMT With Over 60% PAE Through Internal Harmonic Control in S-Band.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2012, TH2D-2, Montreal, Canada, June 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2012.6259389
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torrès, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, E. Ngoya, M. Thévenot, T. Monédière, R. Quéré
«Mixed simulation approach for direct connection between power amplifiers and antenna arrays without the use of isolators.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2012, THPD-1, Montreal, Canada, June 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2012.6258282
Download the paper T. Reveyrand
«New Sampling Paradigm Dedicated to RF ultra-wideband Receivers.»
Invited Talk, 79th ARFTG Symposium, IMS 2012, Canada, June 2012.
Download the paper S. Ahmed, G. Neveux, T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, J.-M. Nébus
«Time-Domain Interleaved High Sampling Rate System for Large Signal Characterization of Non-Linear Devices.»
79th ARFTG Symposium, IMS 2012, Canada, June 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ARFTG79.2012.6291189
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, M. Stanislawiak, P. Eudeline, D. Floriot
«Over 70% PAE packaged GaN HEMT through wideband internal matching at second harmonic in S-band.»
Electronics Letters, 21st June 2012 Vol. 48 No. 13, pp.770-772.
Crossref DOI: 10.1049/el.2012.1654
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torrès, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, T. Monédière, E. Ngoya, M. Thévenot, R. Quéré
«New Methodology for Mixed Simulation of Active Antenna.»
Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics Symposium (ANTEM), Toulouse, France, 25-28 June 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ANTEM.2012.6262292
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, M. Stanislawiak, P. Eudeline, D. Floriot
«Design of a 55 W Packaged GaN HEMT with 60% PAE by Internal Matching in S-Band.»
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC 2012), Dublin, Ireland, 03-04 September 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2012.6331923
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, M. Stanislawiak, P. Eudeline, D. Floriot
«Electrical modeling of packaged GaN HEMT dedicated to internal power matching in S-band.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 4, issue 05, October 2012, pp. 495-503.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078712000530
Download the paper A. Dechansiaud, R. Sommet, T. Reveyrand, R. Quéré, D. Bouw, C. Chang, M. Camiade, F. Deborgies
«Design of an Integrated Cascode Cell for Compact Ku-Band Power Amplifiers.»
Proceedings of the 42st European Microwave Conference, EuMW 2012, Amsterdam, NL, October 2012.
Download the paper
T. Reveyrand, I. Ramos, Z. Popović
«Time-reversal duality of high-efficiency RF power amplifiers.»
Electronics Letters, 6th December 2012 Vol. 48 No. 25, pp.1607-1608.
Crossref DOI: 10.1049/el.2012.3004
Download the paper A. Saleh, A. El Rafei, M. Dieng, T. Reveyrand, R. Sommet, J.-M. Nebus and R. Quéré
«Compact RF non-linear electro thermal model of SiGe HBT for the design of broadband ADC's.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 4, issue 06, December 2012, pp. 569-578.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078712000566
Download the paper
M. Roberg, T. Reveyrand, I. Ramos, E.A. Falkenstein, Z. Popović
«High-Efficiency Harmonically Terminated Diode and Transistor Rectifiers.»
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 60, No 12, pp.4043-4052, December 2012.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2012.2222919


Download the paper A. Ramadan, T. Reveyrand, A. Martin, J.M. Nebus, P. Bouysse, L. Lapierre, J.F. Villemazet
and S. Forestier

«Two Stage GaN HEMT Amplifier With Gate Source Voltage Shaping for Efficiency Versus Bandwidth Enhancements.»
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 59, No 3, pp.699 - 706, March 2011.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2010.2095033
Download the paper L. Huitema, T. Reveyrand, E. Arnaud, C. Decroze and T. Monedière
«A Compact and Reconfigurable DVB-H Antenna for Mobile Handheld Devices.»
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2011, 11-15 April 2011, Rome, Italy, Conference Proceedings, pp.1389-1392.
Download the paper J.-P. Teyssier, T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud
«Measurements for Optimization of RF Solid-State Power Amplifiers .»
Invited talk at Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC 2011), 18-19 April 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Download the paper A. Déchansiaud, R. Sommet, T.Reveyrand, R. Quéré, C. Chang, D. Bouw, M. Camiade, F.Deborgies
«New compact power cells for Ku band applications.»
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC 2011), Vienna, Austria, 18-19 April 2011, Conference Proceedings, pp.41-44.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2011.5773317
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, M. Stanislawiak,
P. Eudeline, D. Floriot, W. Demenitroux

«Design and Modeling Method of Package for Power GaN HEMTs to Limit the Input Matching Sensitivity.»
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC 2011), Vienna, Austria, 18-19 April 2011, Conference Proceedings, pp.81-84.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2011.5773327
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torres, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, T. Monediere, E. Ngoya, R. Quere
«EM/Circuit Mixed Simulation Technique for an Active Antenna.»
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 10, pp.354 - 357, May 2011.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2011.2141972
Download the paper A. Ramadan, T. Reveyrand, J.-M. Nébus, P. Bouysse, L. Lapierre, J.F. Villemazet, S. Forestier
«Conception d'un amplificateur de puissance à 2 étages intégrant une préformation de la tension de commande d'entrée.»
17eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),1C1, Brest, Mai 2011.
Download the paper A. Déchansiaud, R. Sommet, T.Reveyrand, C. Chang, D. Bouw, M. Camiade, F.Deborgies,
R. Quéré

«Nouvelles cellules de puissance compactes pour des applications bande Ku en technologie MMIC.»
17eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), 1C3, Brest, Mai 2011.
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, M. Zoyo, J.-L. Roux, D. Barataud, J.-M. Nébus, J.-L. Muraro, J.-L. Cazaux
«Utilisation des formes d'ondes temporelles sur amplificateur de puissance : contribution à la production de modèle de vol en grande série pour applications spatiales.»
17eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), 2F11, Brest, Mai 2011.
Download the paper S. Ahmed, M. Saad El Dine, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, J.-M. Nébus
«Caractérisation temporelle RF impulsionnelle directe par des THA d'amplificateurs de très forte puissance GaN.»
17eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),2F12, Brest, Mai 2011.
Download the paper L. Huitema, T. Reveyrand, F. Ben Ahmed Daho, C. Decroze, T. Monédière, J.-L. Mattei
«Antenne agile en fréquence et en rayonnement utilisant un matériau magnéto-diélectrique.»
17eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), 4A2, Brest, Mai 2011.
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, W. Demenitroux, M. Stanislawiak,
P. Eudeline, D. Floriot

« Mise en oeuvre d'un boîtier d'un transistor GaN optimisé haut rendement (70% PAE) et large bande (1GHz) en bande S.»
17eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), 6E13, Brest, Mai 2011.
Download the paper T. Elmazova, G. Callet, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, J.-M. Nébus, S. Piotrowicz
«Simulations d'un amplificateur GaN avec polarisation de drain variable pour la recherche de conditions de fonctionnement linéaire et à haut rendement.»
17eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), 8C2, Brest, Mai 2011.
Download the paper S. Ahmed, M. Saad El Dine, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, J.-M. Nébus
«Time-domain Measurement System Using Track & Hold Amplifier Applied to Pulsed RF Characterization of High Power GaN Devices.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2011, WE3A-1, Baltimore, MD, June 2011.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2011.5972863
Download the paper O. Jardel, G. Callet, J. Dufraisse, M. Piazza, N. Sarazin, E. Chartier, M. Oualli, R. Aubry,
T. Reveyrand, J.C. Jacquet, M.A. Di Forte Poisson, E. Morvan, S. Piotrowicz, S.L. Delage

«Electrical Performances of AlInN/GaN HEMTs. A Comparison with AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with similar technological process.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 3, issue 3, June 2011, pp. 301-309.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078711000419
Download the paper J.-M. Nébus, A. Ramadan, P. Bouysse, T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, R. Quéré, L. Lapierre, J.-F. Villemazet, S. Forestier
«High Efficiency Two Stage Microwave GaN Power Amplifier with Gate Source Waveform Shaping of the Power Stage.»
41st European Microwave Conference, EuMW 2011, Workshop W 08, Manchester, UK, October 2011.
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, M. Stanislawiak, P. Eudeline, D. Floriot, W. Demenitroux
«Harmonic Control In Package of Power GaN Transistors for High Efficiency and Wideband Performances in S-Band.»
Proceedings of the 41st European Microwave Conference, EuMW 2011, Manchester, UK, October 2011, pp.1111-1114.
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torres, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, E. Ngoya, T. Monedière, M. Thévenot, R. Quéré
«An accurate modeling technique for antennas and nonlinear RF power amplifier mixed simulation.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 3, issue 6, December 2011, pp. 647-655.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S175907871100081X


Download the paper M. Abouchahine, A. Saleh, G. Neveux, T. Reveyrand, J.P. Teyssier, D. Rousset,
D. Barataud, J.M. Nebus

«Broadband Time Domain Measurement System for the Characterization of Nonlinear Microwave Devices with Memory.»
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 58, No 4, pp.1038-1045, April 2010.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2010.2042503
Download the paper A. Ramadan, T. Reveyrand, A. Martin, J.M. Nebus, P. Bouysse, L. Lapierre, J.F. Villemazet and S. Forestier
«Experimental study on effect of second-harmonic injection at input of classes F and F-1 GaN power amplifiers.»
Electronics Letters, 15th April 2010 Vol. 46 No. 8, pp.570-572.
Crossref DOI: 10.1049/el.2010.0392
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torres, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, E. N’Goya, T. Monediere, R. Quere
«Behavioral Model of Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPAs) for Agile Antennas Application.»
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2010, A11P1-2, Barcelona, 12-16 April 2010.
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torres, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, E. N’Goya, T. Monediere, R. Quere
«Power Amplifiers Modeling Technique for Reconfigurable Antenna Array Application.»
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMiC 2010), Göteborg, Sweden, April 26th - 27th, 2010, Conference Proceedings, pp.144-147.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2010.5480114
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, W. Ciccognani, G. Ghione, O. Jardel, E. Limiti, A. Serino, V. Camarchia,
F. Cappelluti, R. Quéré

«GaN transistor characterisation and modelling activities performed within the frame of the KorriGaN project.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 2, issue 01, April 2010, pp. 51-61.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078710000085
Download the paper
S. Piotrowicz, Z. Ouarch, E. Chartier, R. Aubry, G. Callet, D. Floriot, J.C. Jacquet, O. Jardel, E. Morvan, T. Reveyrand, N. Sarazin, S.L. Delage.
«43W, 52% PAE X-Band AlGaN/GaN HEMTs MMIC Amplifiers.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2010, WE1F-1, Anaheim, CA, May 2010, pp.505-508.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2010.5518097
Download the paper M. Saad El Dine, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, P. Bouysse, D. Barataud, J.M. Nebus,
W. Rebernack

«A Measurement Set-up and Methodology Combining Dynamic Biasing and Baseband Predistorsion for High Efficiency and Linear Amplifier Design.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2010, WEPF-4, Anaheim, CA, May 2010, pp.1070-1073.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2010.5517612
Download the paper G. Callet, J. Farad, O. Jardel, C. Charbonniaud, J.C. Jacquet, T. Reveyrand, E. Morvan,
S. Piotrowicz, J.P. Teyssier, R. Quéré

«A new nonlinear HEMT model for AlGaN/GaN switch applications.»
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, volume 2, Special issue 3-4, August 2010, pp. 283-291.
Crossref DOI: 10.1017/S1759078710000541
Download the paper A. Ramadan, T. Reveyrand, A. Martin, J.M. Nebus, P. Bouysse, L. Lapierre, J.F. Villemazet
and S. Forestier

«Efficiency Enhancement of GaN Power Amplifiers over Wide Bandwidth by an Active Control of Gate Source Waveforms.»
5th Space Agency - MOD Round Table Workshop on GaN Component Technologies, ESTEC, Noordwijk , 2-3 September 2010.
Download the paper J. Chéron, M. Campovecchio, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, M. Stanislawiak, C. Tolant,
P. Eudeline, D. Floriot, S.Heckmann, L. Favède

«Wideband harmonic control of high efficiency high power GaN amplifiers in S-Band and power packaging issues.»
5th Space Agency - MOD Round Table Workshop on GaN Component Technologies, ESTEC, Noordwijk , 2-3 September 2010.
Download the paper O. Jardel, G. Callet, J. Dufraisse, N. Sarazin, E. Chartier, T. Reveyrand, M. Oualli,
D. Lancereau,M.A. Di Forte Poisson, S. Piotrowicz, E. Morvan, S.L. Delage

«Performances of AlInN/GaN HEMTs for Power Applications at Microwave Frequencies.»
Proceedings of the 5th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMW 2010, Paris, France, September 2010, pp.49-52.
Download the paper G. Zakka El Nashef, F. Torrès, S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, T. Monédière, E.N’Goya, R. Quéré
«Second Order Extension of Power Amplifiers Behavioral Models for Accuracy Improvements.»
Proceedings of the 40th European Microwave Conference, EuMW 2010, Paris, France, September 2010, pp.1030-1033.


Download the paper Ph. Duême, A. Phillips, T. Martin, D. Wallis, A. Cetronio, E. Zanoni, S. Delage, J. Carlert,
Y. Mancuso, I. Davies, N. Henelius, M. Van Heijningen, T. Reveyrand

«Overview of the KORRIGAN project.»
ESA – MOD Workshop on GaN Microwave Component Technologies, Ulm - Germany, March 2009.
Download the paper A. Martin, T. Reveyrand, M. Campovecchio, O. Jardel, S. Piotrowicz, R. Quéré
«Amplificateur large bande de puissance en technologie GaN MMIC.»
16eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),1C1 , Grenoble, Mai 2009.
Download the paper A. Ramadan, D. Sardin, T. Reveyrand, J-M. Nebus, P. Bouysse, L. Lapierre, J.F. Villemazet, S. Forestier
«Analyse comparative des classes en commutation (F, F-1, E) pour l’amplification de puissance en technologie GaN.»
16eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),1C3 , Grenoble, Mai 2009.
Download the paper F. Maury, A. Pothier, J.C. Orlianges, T. Reveyrand, D. Mardivirin, F. Conseil, P. Blondy
«Performances et fiabilité de capacités commutables MEMS pour les déphaseurs DMTL de puissance.»
16eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),2B4 , Grenoble, Mai 2009.
Download the paper J. Tapfuh, J.F. Villemazet, B. Jarry, M. Campovecchio, T. Reveyrand, D. Lopez, S. Rochette, J.L. Cazaux
«Méthodologie de conception d’amplificateurs faible niveau à haute linéarité en technologie MMIC pour récepteur satellite.»
16eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),2E5 , Grenoble, Mai 2009.
Download the paper M. Abou Chahine, A. Saleeh, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, J.P Teyssier, J.M.Nebus.
«Caractérisation temporelle de transmodulation large bande d’un amplificateur de très forte puissance (50W).»
16eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),2F7 , Grenoble, Mai 2009.
Download the paper R. Quéré, O. Jardel, A. Xiong, M. Oualli, T. Reveyrand, J.P. Teyssier, R. Sommet,
J.C. Jacquet, S. Piotrowicz

«Nonlinear characterization and modeling of low frequency dispersive effects in power transistors.»
IMS 2009 Workshop, WMB, Boston, MA, June 2009.
Download the paper A. Saleh, M. Abou Chahine, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, J.M. Nebus, R. Quéré,
Y. Bouvier, J. Godin, and M. Riet

«40ns Pulsed I/V Set-up and Measurement Method Applied to InP HBT Characterization and Electro-Thermal Modeling.»
IEEE RFIC Digest, IMS 2009, RTU1C-2, Boston, MA, June 2009, pp.401-404.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/RFIC.2009.5135567
Download the paper F. Maury, A. Pothier, J.C. Orlianges, D. Mardivirin, T. Reveyrand, F. Conseil and P. Blondy
«Ku Band DMTL Medium Power Phase Shifters.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2009, TH1E-3, Boston, MA, June 2009, pp.1153-1156.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2009.5165906
Download the paper M. Abou Chahine, A. Saleh, G. Neveux, T. Reveyrand, J.P. Teyssier, D. Barataud, and
J. M. Nebus

«Broadband Time-Domain Measurement System applied to the Characterization of Cross-Modulation in Nonlinear Microwave Devices.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, IMS 2009, TH2D-2, Boston, MA, June 2009, pp.1201-1204.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2009.5165918
Download the paper S. Mons, T. Reveyrand, T. Gasseling, J.C. Nallatamby, R. Quéré and E. Ngoya
«Stability Issues in the Design of High Power Amplifiers and Oscillators.»
IMS 2009 Workshop, WFE, Boston, MA, June 2009.
Download the paper A. Ramadan, A. Martin, D. Sardin, T. Reveyrand, J-M. Nebus, P. Bouysse, L. Lapierre,
J.F Villemazet, S. Forestier

«Study and Design of High Efficiency Switch Mode GaN Power Amplifiers at L-band Frequency.»
International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications, ACTEA 2009, Lebanon, July 2009.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ACTEA.2009.5227923
Download the paper A. Ramadan, A. Martin, T. Reveyrand, J-M. Nebus, P. Bouysse, L. Lapierre, J.F Villemazet, S. Forestier
«Efficiency enhancement of GaN power HEMTs by controlling gate-source voltage waveform shape.»
Proceedings of the 4th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, 39th European Microwave Week, Roma, Italy September 2009, pp.487-490.
Download the paper Ph. Duême, A. Phillips, T. Martin, D. Wallis, A. Cetronio, E. Zanoni, S. Delage, J. Carlert,
Y. Mancuso, I. Davies, N. Henelius, M. Van Heijningen, T. Reveyrand

«Overview of the KORRIGAN project.»
Invited to be presented at the EuMW , 39th European Microwave Week, Roma, Italy September 2009.
Download the paper G. Callet, O. Jardel, N. Sarazin, E.Morvan, M.A. DiForte- Poisson, M. Oualli, E. Chartier,
T. Reveyrand, J-P. Teyssier, S. Piotrowicz, R. Quéré, S.L. Delage

«Study of Microwave Performances of AlInN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN HEMT Devices up to 18GHz.»
18th European Workshop on Heterostructure Technology (HETECH 2009), Ulm, Germany, 2-4 November 2009.
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, T. Gasseling
«Microwave instrumentation for compact modeling and verification.»
"Non-Linear Measurements for Power Amplifiers Design and Verification" workshop, 74th ARFTG Symposium, Broomfield/Boulder, CO, USA December 2009.


Download the paper A. Martin, T. Reveyrand, M. Campovecchio, R. Aubry, S. Piotrowicz, D. Floriot, R. Quéré
«Balanced AlGaN/GaN HEMT cascode cells : design method for wideband distributed amplifiers.»
Electronics Letters, 17 January 2008, Volume 44, Issue 2, pp. 116-118.
Crossref DOI: 10.1049/el:20083128
Download the paper D. Sardin, T. Reveyrand, M. Campovecchio, Ph. Bouysse, N. Le Gallou, S. Rochette,
S. Forestier, J-F. Villemazet

«Nonlinear Electro-thermal modelling of packaged power GaN HEMTs for the design of adaptive power amplifiers dedicated to reconfigurable telecom payloads»
Microwave Technology and Technique Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk , 6-7 May 2008.
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, O. Jardel, F. De Groote, C. Charbonniaud and R. Quéré
«Large Signal Modeling for RF GaN Power HEMTs»
Workshop on GaN Technology For Microwave Applications, 3rd Microwave & Radar Week,
MIKON 2008, Wroclaw, 19-21 May 2008.
Download the paper M. El Yaagoubi, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, J.-M. Nebus, F. Verbeyst, F. Gizard, J. Puech
«Time-Domain Calibrated Measurements of Wideband Multisines Using a Large-Signal Network Analyzer»
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 56, No 5, pp.1180-1192, May 2008.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2008.921645
Download the paper F. De Groote, O. Jardel, T. Reveyrand, J.-P. Teyssier and R. Quéré
«Very small duty cycles for pulsed time domain transistor characterization.»
Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, Volume 4 - Issue 2 - June 2008.
Download the paper F.-X. Estagerie, A. Bennadji, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, R. Quéré and L. Constancias
«Behavioral modeling of power amplifier for radar applications»
Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, Volume 4 - Issue 2 - June 2008.
Download the paper
S. Piotrowicz, E. Morvan, R. Aubry, S. Bansropun, T. Bouvet, E. Chartier, T. Dean,
O. Drisse, C. Dua, D. Floriot, M.A. diForte-Poisson, Y. Gourdel, A.J. Hydes, J.C. Jacquet,
O. Jardel, D. Lancereau, J.O. Mc Lean, G. Lecoustre, A. Martin, Z. Ouarch, T. Reveyrand,
M. Richard, N. Sarazin, D. Thenot and S.L. Delage.

«State of the Art 58W, 38% PAE X-Band AlGaN/GaN HEMTs microstrip MMIC Amplifiers»
Compund Semiconductor IC Symposium (CSICS 2008), 12-15 October, Montrey, CA, USA, 2008.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/CSICS.2008.39
Download the paper A. Martin, T. Reveyrand, O. Jardel, M. Campovecchio, S. Piotrowicz, R. Quéré
«Power and thermal design criteria of AlGaN/GaN cascode cell for wideband distributed power amplifier.»
IEEE InMMIC 2008 Conference, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación of Universidad de Málaga, Malaga, Spain, November, 24th-25th, 2008.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2008.4745738
Download the paper A. Martin, T. Reveyrand, M. Campovecchio, R. Aubry, S. Piotrowicz, D. Floriot, R. Quéré
«Design method of balanced AlGaN/GaN HEMT cascode cells for wideband distributed power amplifiers.»
Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, Volume 4 - Issue 4 - December 2008.


Download the paper T. Reveyrand and R. Quéré
«Korrigan characterzations and models.»
3rd Space Agency – MOD Round Table Workshop on GaN Microwave Component Technologies, ESTEC, Noordwijk, April 2007.
Download the paper F.X. Estagerie, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, R. Quéré, L. Constancias, and P. Le Helleye
«From circuit topology to behavioural model of power amplifier dedicated to radar applications.»
Electronics Letters,12 April 2007, Volume 43, Issue 8, pp. 477-479.
Crossref DOI: 10.1049/el:20073059
Download the paper F.X. Estagerie, A. Bennadji, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, R. Quéré, L. Constancias, P. Le Helleye
«Développement d’un environnement ouvert de simulation système pour des applications RADAR.»
Chapitres français IEEE Antennas- Propagation et MTT, Workshop Simulation Globale, Villeneuve d’Ascq, 10-11 Mai 2007.
Download the paper O. Jardel, F. De Groote, T. Reveyrand, C. Charbonniaud, J.P. Teyssier, R. Quéré, D. Floriot
«Modélisation du drain-lag dans les modèles électriques grand-signaux de transistors HEMTs AlGaN/GaN.»
15eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),3C1 , Toulouse, Mai 2007.
(JNM2007 Best Paper Award)
Download the paper J. Lhortolary, C. Chang, T. Reveyrand, M. Camiade, M. Campovecchio, J. Obregon
«Modèle non linéaire de transistor HEMT pour la prédiction précise de l’IM3 à bas niveau puissance et aux hautes fréquences.»
15eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),3C2 , Toulouse, Mai 2007.
Download the paper F. De Groote, O. Jardel, T. Reveyrand, C. Charbonniaud, J.P. Teyssier, R. Quéré
«Technique de mesure en impulsions pour de très faibles rapports cycliques appliquée aux transistors.»
15eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),4D8 , Toulouse, Mai 2007.
Download the paper G. Nanfack Nkondem, G. Neveux, T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, J-M. Nébus, A. Mallet
«Banc de mesure temporelle d'enveloppe calibré pour la linéarisation des amplificateurs de puissance par prédistorsion numérique en bande de base.»
15eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),4D9 , Toulouse, Mai 2007.
Download the paper F-X. Estagerie, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, R. Quéré, L. Constancias, P. Le Helleye
«Nouvelle approche de modélisation comportementale dédiée aux applications radar.»
15eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),5D9 , Toulouse, Mai 2007.
(Selected within the 8 best papers list for the studient best paper award competition)
Download the paper F. De Groote, O. Jardel, T. Reveyrand, J.P. Teyssier, R. Quéré
«Mesures de cycles de charge non linéaires pour la caractérisation de transistors microondes GaN.»
15eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),9B4 , Toulouse, Mai 2007.
Download the paper J. Lhortolary, C. Chang, T. Reveyrand, M. Camiade, M. Campovecchio, J. Obregon
«A New Nonlinear HEMT Model Allowing Accurate Simulation of Very Low IM3 Levels for High-Frequency Highly Linear Amplifiers Design.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2007, pp.589-592.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2007.380559
Download the paper
O. Jardel, F. De Groote, C. Charbonniaud, T. Reveyrand, J.P. Teyssier, R. Quéré, D. Floriot
«A Drain-Lag Model for AlGaN/GaN Power HEMTs.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2007, pp.601-604.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2007.379972
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, T. Gasseling, D. Barataud, S. Mons, J-M. Nébus
«A Smart Load-Pull Method to Safely Reach Optimal Matching Impedances of Power Transistors.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2007, pp.1489-1492.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2007.380535
(Ad Lib in French)
Download the paper A. Martin, T. Reveyrand, M. Campovecchio, R. Aubry, S. Piotrowicz, D. Floriot, R. Quéré
«Design of GaN-based Balanced Cascode Cells for Wide-band Distributed Power Amplifier.»
37th EuMC, 2nd European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, Munich, October 2007, pp.154-157.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/EMICC.2007.4412671
Download the paper
O. Jardel, F. De Groote, T. Reveyrand, J.C. Jaquet, C. Charbonniaud, J.P. Teyssier,
D. Floriot, R. Quéré

«An electrothermal model for AlGaN/GaN Power HEMTs including trapping effects to improve large-signal simulation results on high VSWR»
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 55, No 12, pp.2660-2669, December 2007.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2007.907141
Download the paper F.X. Estagerie, A. Bennadji, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, R. Quéré, L. Constancias, P. Le Helleye
«Implementation of a Behavioral Model of SSPAs taking into account mismatches for efficient System Simulation of Modern AESA»
APMC 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.2099-2102, December 11-14, 2007.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/APMC.2007.4554909


Download the paper T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, G. Neveux, J-M. Nebus, E. Ngoya, J-P. Teyssier and R. Quéré
«Overview on System Level Simulation Environment for Characterization, Modeling and Simulation of RF and Microwave devices.»
IEEE InMMIC 2006 Conference, University of Aveiro, Portugal, January, 30th-31st, 2006.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/INMMIC.2006.283527
Download the paper T. Reveyrand,A. Soury, F. Macraigne, G. Nanfack, D. Barataud, J-M. Nébus, E. Ngoya
«A Time Domain Envelope Vectorial Network Analyzer for Non-linear Measurement Based Modeling Accounting Impedance Mismatches.»
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Sorrento, Italia, 24-27 April 2006.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2006.328383
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, J-M. Nébus, A. Mallet, F. Gizard, L. Lapierre, J. Sombrin
«Accurate characterization of intermodulation noise in multi carrier wide band power amplifiers based on a digital synthesis of pseudo noise gaussian stimuli.»
Annals of telecommunications, Vol. 61, No 5-6, pp.627-644, May / June 2006.
Download the paper F. Macraigne, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, D. Barataud, J-M. Nébus, A. Soury, E. Ngoya
«Time-domain envelope measurements for characterization and behavioral modeling of nonlinear devices with memory.»
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 54, No 8, pp.3219-3226, August 2006.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2006.879169
Download the paper S. Mons, A. Layec, A. Benadji, T. Reveyrand, R. Sommet, E. Ngoya, R. Quéré
«Scilab/Scicos toolboxes for Telecommunications .»
2006 Scilab Contest & International Workshop, Hangzhou, P.R.China, 28 - 29 September 2006.
published in
S. Li, L.-H. Ma, C. Gomez (Editors)
"Open source Software for Scientific Computation SCILAB, Research, Development and Applications"
Tsinghua University Press, pp. 129-142, September 2006


Download the paper D. Barataud, J.P. Teyssier, T. Reveyrand, G. Neveux, J.M. Nébus
«Recent advances in RF measurements systems : How to choose the good characterization tools to help the power amplifiers designer.»
RF & Hyper Europe 2005, Power Amplifier Workshop, CNIT Paris La Défense, March 2005.
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, M. Vanden Bossche, A. Mallet, F. Gizard, D. Barataud, J.M. Nébus
«Mesures étalonnées de formes d'ondes de tension dans un MMIC – Association du Large Signal Network Analyser (LSNA) aux sondes haute impédance (HIP).»
14eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),2C1 , Nantes, Mai 2005.
Download the paper F. Macraigne, T. Reveyrand, C. Mazière, D. Barataud, J.M. Nébus, R. Quéré, F. Gizard
«Nouvelle méthode de caractérisation des enveloppes temporelles de signaux modulés aux accès de dispositifs non linéaires RF dans un environnement Load-pull.»
14eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),7C7 , Nantes, Mai 2005.
D. Barataud, G. Neveux, J.P. Teyssier, T. Reveyrand, J.M. Nébus, J.P. Villotte
«Applications of differents RF sampling techniques for different characterizations of non linear phenomena in RF power transistors.»
TARGET Tutorial on “Front-end sampler technology”, European Microwave Week, Paris, October 2005.
Download the paper F. Macraigne, T. Reveyrand, C. Mazière, D. Barataud, J.M. Nébus, R. Quéré, A. Mallet
«A fully calibrated four channels time domain RF envelope measurement system for the envelope characterization of nonlinear device.»
35th European Microwave Conference - European Microwave Week, pp 729-732, Paris, October 2005.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/EUMC.2005.1610029


Download the paper M. Perrel, F. Gizard, A. Mallet, T. Reveyrand, L. Lapierre, F. Macraigne, J.M. Nébus
«Méthodologie de test et d'étalonnage d'un banc numérique de caractérisation en enveloppes temporelles d'amplificateurs hyperfréquences de puissance.»
7eme Journées Micro-ondes et Electromagnétisme de Toulouse (JMET), Toulouse, février 2004.
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, A. Mallet, Luc Lapierre, F. Gizard, J.M. Nébus, M. Vanden Bossche
«Mesures calibrées de formes d'ondes temporelles à l'intérieur d'un circuit MMIC au moyen d'un LSNA et de sondes hautes impédances.»
7eme Journées Micro-ondes et Electromagnétisme de Toulouse (JMET), Toulouse, février 2004.
(3D Poster Experience)
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, A. Mallet, F. Gizard, Luc Lapierre, J.M. Nébus, M. Vanden Bossche
«A new time domain waveform measurement setup to investigate internal node voltages in MMICs.»
Microwave Technology and Technique Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk , May 2004.
Download the paper R. Sommet, R. Quéré, E. Ngoya, S. Mons, J.C. Nallatamby, T. Reveyrand, A. Mallet
«Overview of research activities on the simulation of High frequency devices, circuits and systems using the Scilab/Scicos Environment.»
Scilab-2004 International Conference, INRIA, Rocquencourt, December 2004.


Download the paper C. Maziere, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, D. Barataud, J.M. Nébus, R. Quéré, A. Mallet,
L. Lapierre, J. Sombrin

«Nouvelle méthode de modélisation d'amplificateurs de puissance par gain complexe dynamique pour la simulation système.»
13eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM),5A-5, Lille, Mai 2003.
Download the paper A. Soury, E. Ngoya, J.M. Nébus, T. Reveyrand
«Modélisation des phénomènes de mémoire à long terme des amplificateurs de puissance.»
13eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), 5A-6, Lille, Mai 2003.
Download the paper C. Maziere, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, D. Barataud, J.M. Nébus, R. Quéré, A. Mallet,
L. Lapierre, J. Sombrin

«A Novel Behavorial Model Of Power Amplifier Based On A Dynamic Envelope Gain Approach For The System Level Simulation And Design.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol. 2, pp. 769-772, Philadelphia, June 2003.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2003.1212484
Download the paper A. Soury, E. Ngoya, J.M. Nébus, T. Reveyrand
«Measurement Based Modeling of Power Amplifiers for Reliable Design of Modern Communication Systems.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol. 2, pp. 795-798, Philadelphia, June 2003.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2003.1212490
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, A. Mallet, J.M. Nébus, M. Vanden Bossche
«Calibrated Measurements of Waveforms at Internal Nodes of MMICs with a LSNA and High Impedance Probes.»
62nd ARFTG Conference Digest, pp. 71-76, Boulder (CO), December 2003.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ARFTGF.2003.1459755


Download the paper T. Reveyrand
«Conception d'un système de mesure d'enveloppes complexes aux accès de modules de puissance - Application à la mesure du NPR et à la modélisation comportementale d'amplificateurs.»
Thèse de doctorat de l'Université de Limoges, n°15-2002, Avril 2002.
Download the paper A. Mallet, F. Gizard, T. Reveyrand, L. Lapierre, J. Sombrin
«A new satellite repeater amplifier characterization system for large bandwith NPR and modulated signals measurements.»
IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol. 3, pp. 2245-2248, Seattle, June 2002.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2002.1012320
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, C. Maziere, J.M. Nébus, R. Quéré, A. Mallet, L. Lapierre, J. Sombrin
«A calibrated time domain envelope measurement system for the behavioral modeling of power amplifiers.»
European Microwave Week, GAAS 2002, pp. 237-240, Milano, September 2002.
(GAAS 2002 Best Paper Award)
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, C. Maziere, D. Barataud, J.M. Nébus, R. Quéré, A. Mallet, F. Gizard,
L. Lapierre

«A novel calibrated time domain envelope measurement setup for the NPR characterization and the behavioral modeling of power amplifiers.»
Microwave Technology and Technique Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk , October 2002.


Download the paper F. Launay, Y. Wang, S. Toutain, T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, J.M. Nébus, R. Quéré
«Modélisation d'un amplificateur avec prise en compte de l'effet mémoire HF.»
12eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), 1A-7, Poitiers, Mai 2001.
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, J. Lajoinie, M. Campovecchio, J.M. Nébus, E. Ngoya,
J. Sombrin, A. Mallet, D. Roques

«Nouvelle méthode de caractérisation d'amplificateurs de puissance microondes en fonctionnement multiporteuse.»
12eme Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM), 3D-2, Poitiers, Mai 2001.
Download the paper F. Gizard, A. Mallet, L. Lapierre, J. Sombrin, D. Barataud, T. Reveyrand, J.M. Nébus
«Développement d'un banc de mesure de NPR en bande Ka.»
4eme Journées Micro-ondes et Electromagnétisme de Toulouse (JMET), Toulouse, 2001.


Download the paper
T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, J. Lajoinie, M. Campovecchio, J.M. Nébus, E. Ngoya,
J. Sombrin, D. Roques

«A Novel Experimental Noise Power Ratio Characterization Method for Multicarrier Microwave Power Amplifiers.»
55th ARFTG Conference Digest, pp.22-26, Boston, June 2000.
Crossref DOI: 10.1109/ARFTG.2000.327395
Download the paper T. Reveyrand, D. Barataud, J.M. Nébus, A. Mallet, L. Lapierre, J. Sombrin
«Large Signal Characterization and Modeling of Power Amplifiers Driven by Modulated Signals.»
30th European Microwave Conference, Workshop WS1, Paris, September 2000.


Download the paper D. Barataud, A. Mallet, J.C. Lalaurie, L. Lapierre, J. Sombrin, T. Reveyrand, J.M. Nébus
«A New measurement system for large bandwidth NPR characterization of satellite transponders SSPAs.»
Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Satellite Communications,09 P 62, Toulouse, 1999.